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Back Issues

Welcome to walk magazine, the official magazine of the Ramblers - offering news, features, routes and advice from the experts in walking.
walk has been completely relaunched for Spring 2009 with an exciting new look, plus a brand new 12-page Routemaster section of walking routes accross the UK. As a Ramblers member you will be sent walk magazine as part of your membership package. If you are not a member of the Ramblers you can now buy walk in selected WHS and Borders stores, and in all Cotswold Outdoors stores. The Spring 2009 issue goes on sale from the 3rd March, get your copy for just £3.40!
You can contact walk magazine at [email protected]

To download PDFs of selected features from back issues of walk magazine, just select from the list below:

Issue 21 - Winter 2008

Spotlight walk: Plunging into Maori Legend

Feature: Coast of Contrasts

City walk: Plymouth Ahoy!

Q&A: Snapping shut our alleyways

Column: These boots were’nt made for walking…

Ask the Doctor

Health: Baby on board

Opinion: From jewels to jobsworths

Feature: Here comes the sun

Feature: Labourers of love

Feature: Return of the natives

Prize Crossword

Readers Letters: Your View

Issue 20 - Autumn 2008

Spotlight walk: Borders of History

Feature: Sunshine, Scenery and Invading Armies

City walk: Roamin’ Colchester

Q&A: Ask the Doctor

Q&A: Wild plans to tame access

Feature: Change of gear

Health: First aid afoot

Navigation: Follow the breadcrumbs

Column: Christopher Somerville

Opinion: Restoring walks by water

Global Walking: The Wilds of Flanders

Feature: Welcome Wave

Issue 19 - Summer 2008

Spotlight walk: Walking with rock stars

Feature: Good Will Gesture

City walk: Lap of the ‘Pool

Q&A: Coasting the bill

Feature: Keeping a leash on the Itchy and Scratchy show

Feature: Feed into Frame

Interview: Clare’s Olympic Ramblings

Feature: Follow my lead

Feature: Which Way’s the Future

UK walk: Treading Water

Global walk: Euro City Saunters

Health: Watching Your Levels

Navigation Route Maps Made Easy

Column: Christopher Somerville 

Issue 18 - Spring 2008

Spotlight walk: Beside a Bulking Sea

Feature: Look to the Skies

City walk: Promising Leeds

Q&A: Arresting Development

Feature: In the nose of the beholder

Interview: Springtime Charlie

Opinion: The great South Downs Adventure

Health: Fuelling your Feet

Feature: England’s Fordidden Shores

Navigation: Pointing the Way

Global walk: Karst Country

Feature: No Open and Shut Case

UK walk: The Walk What Won It